Mother, Partner, Author, Speaker,
Trust & Estate Practitioner.
Helping families get comfortable with talking about the uncomfortable.
I believe that a well designed estate will lead to successful estate administration!
CEO, Senior Estate Administrator
ETP Canada is a boutique firm located in Guelph Ontario that specializes in Estate Administration. ETP Canada helps Executors navigate their role while providing hands on support through services such as Executor Support, Estate Accounting, and Professional Executor services. While it’s not simple, the goal at ETP Canada is to help people breathe a sigh of relief so that they understand what is happening and what to do next when dealing with a loved one’s estate. ETP Canada has recently launched Executor Ready, which is an online based course designed to help make Estate Administration easier to navigate for Executors across Canada.
Today, ETP Canada continues to be at the forefront for educating families about the complexities of Estate Administration, while aiming to ease life after death for Canadians.
Executor Ready is live
Acting as the Executor of an Estate can be a full-time job, there’s plenty of paperwork, assets to deal with, along with countless deadlines to meet… and primarily, you're grieving the loss of a loved one. Executor Ready is a crash course designed to help you better understand estate administration and get you ready for the Executor role. Our ten-module course is packed with insights and tips to help you handle your job with success.
Debbie’s Digest
The saying “it takes a village….” is well used when referencing raising children, starting a business or even planning a party! This is my “village” of articles to help bring clarification to my readers when dealing with or working on estates.

Paw Prints & Wills….

Estate Planning Lessons from Hollywood

Obituaries & Unintended Information

Social Media Will in less time than brewing coffee!

Are you grieving the right way?

Summing it up in a sentence.

Smaller can be better….

Do you have a favorite child?

I DO! ….now what?!?

Let’s get digital….

Who will care for Milo and Roxy?

How can divorce impact your estate plans?

Looking for lost money?

Are you keeping secrets?

It has been 34 years since my last Will update……

The Chronicles of Estate Planning

Dear Family, please wax my moustache!

Talking about death will kill me.